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data.c File Reference

#include "bary.h"

Include dependency graph for data.c:

Include dependency graph

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int G_timelimit = 0
int max_nodes_per_layer

int nr_crossings
GNODEsave_array = (GNODE *)0
int crossing_heuristics = 0
GNODEsort_array = (GNODE *)0
int size_of_sortarray = 0
DEPTHtmp_layer = (DEPTH *)0
int size_of_tlayer = 0
int maxdepth
int size_upper_list
int size_lower_list
DLLIST lower_list = ((void *) 0)
DLLIST lower_list_end = ((void *) 0)
DLLIST upper_list = ((void *) 0)
DLLIST upper_list_end = ((void *) 0)
int nr_tcrossings
int skip_baryphase2 = 0
int max_eprio = 0
int min_baryiterations = 0
int maxr_lower_list = 0
int maxr_upper_list = 0
int maxr_sum = 0
int upperxpos = 0
int lowerxpos = 0
int nr_bary_iterations = 0
int max_baryiterations = 0
int max_horder_num = 0

Variable Documentation

int crossing_heuristics = 0

Definition at line 9 of file data.c.

int G_timelimit = 0

Definition at line 14 of file data.c.

DEPTH* layer

Definition at line 6 of file data.c.

DLLIST lower_list = ((void *) 0)

Definition at line 21 of file data.c.

DLLIST lower_list_end = ((void *) 0)

Definition at line 22 of file data.c.

int lowerxpos = 0

Definition at line 39 of file data.c.

int max_baryiterations = 0

Definition at line 42 of file data.c.

int max_eprio = 0

Definition at line 30 of file data.c.

int max_horder_num = 0

Definition at line 43 of file data.c.

int max_nodes_per_layer


Definition at line 5 of file data.c.

int maxdepth

Definition at line 16 of file data.c.

int maxr_lower_list = 0

Definition at line 35 of file data.c.

int maxr_sum = 0

Definition at line 37 of file data.c.

int maxr_upper_list = 0

Definition at line 36 of file data.c.

int min_baryiterations = 0

Definition at line 31 of file data.c.

int nr_bary_iterations = 0

Definition at line 41 of file data.c.

int nr_crossings

Definition at line 7 of file data.c.

int nr_tcrossings

Definition at line 25 of file data.c.

GNODE* save_array = (GNODE *)0

Definition at line 8 of file data.c.

int size_lower_list

Definition at line 20 of file data.c.

int size_of_sortarray = 0

Definition at line 11 of file data.c.

int size_of_tlayer = 0

Definition at line 13 of file data.c.

int size_upper_list

Definition at line 19 of file data.c.

int skip_baryphase2 = 0

Definition at line 28 of file data.c.

GNODE* sort_array = (GNODE *)0

Definition at line 10 of file data.c.

DEPTH* tmp_layer = (DEPTH *)0

Definition at line 12 of file data.c.

DLLIST upper_list = ((void *) 0)

Definition at line 23 of file data.c.

DLLIST upper_list_end = ((void *) 0)

Definition at line 24 of file data.c.

int upperxpos = 0

Definition at line 38 of file data.c.

Generated on Sat Aug 6 11:49:20 2005 for VCGIntrospector by doxygen 1.3.6